Sunday, August 17, 2008

The temporary job

Well, Pangloss, it's good to hear that you found employment. I'm guessing that you have yet to find a real job, due to the fact that you're still posting on this blog, but perhaps your stars are changing. Or at least you can leave the attic, where you spend all your time posting hateful screeds on a blog.

I will say this: there is real danger in these temporary, time passing jobs. As I said before, you can trick yourself into thinking that all of this will pass. After weeks and weeks of not making any money while unemployed, the cheese you collect from your first paycheck will look like a winning Powerball ticket. Finally, you think, I can afford to buy all of the liquor you have needed for so long. Then you do some quick math and think that if you keep this going under present circumstances (living at home without real bills) you will save up thousands of dollars. Thousands of dollars -- oh, the glorious things you can do with thousands of dollars. Maybe you will hang onto this position a little bit longer...

I look forward to hearing stories from your new job about crazy employees, burnout managers and irate and idiotic customers. Congratulations.

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