Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just because there is no enemy doesn't mean I don't want a Broken Arrow

Indeed, dear reader, Pangloss is right. Vietnam has become the most apt descriptor of our situation. Demoralization, depletion of resources, nationalistic ennui and impossible victory are the currency of our dialog.

Pangloss' post is an excellent summary of the purpose of this blog, so I want to kick off my contributions with a hard-facts story of American economic downfall. Granted, the newspaper industry has been traveling a rough road for a long time, but I never thought I'd hear this in any interview:

Managing Editor: So, are you interested in this position?
Me: Absolutely. I think I'm totally qualified to do this.
Managing Editor: I do not disagree. Are you willing to work long hours for little pay and little chance of advancement?
Me: Absolutely. Pay me a pittance.
Managing Editor: Well, even though we advertised to hire for this position both online and in print media, we cannot afford to do so. Thank you for stopping by our office to interview for the imaginary position at your own expense. No, we do not validate parking.

Who advertises for a job that does not exist? Maybe it is an elaborate joke on the part of tenured professionals.
"See that fresh college grad, Bill?"
"Sure do, Gene. Looks like a greenhorn."
"I concur. Let's mess with him."
And then, splat: The economy is a herd of pigeons, I am a statue.

This is what awaits the American post-grad. For a long time, a joke has circulated about future generations needing graduate degrees to fold sweaters at the Gap -- now it seems like that may already be the case. After all, it's not as though there are jobs for people like us. Necessary: 5-8 years experience. How am I to gain 5-8 years experience when no one is hiring?

If Dr. Pangloss was right and this is the best of all possible worlds, then every one of us is already in trouble. Call in the Broken Arrow -- the enemy may not have completely overrun us yet, but I am not sure I want to persist in this bunkered state.

After all, the bunker is in my parent's house. Pangloss, take that ship and sail with it.

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