Saturday, August 9, 2008

Despair Sets In

Welcome all, to the terrible wasteland that is the post-graduate life. Maybe you had some hopes and dreams about what you were going to do right after college. Hey, I've got a bachelor's degree, I can do plenty of stuff, I can succeed.

But, no, you soon find that the world has no space for intelligent, capable people who have no qualifications to do anything. Internships? Nope. Work-study? Nope. Have you ever rolled burritos for pay? Nope. Well, you're just not what we're looking for at the moment.

If you are or have been in the same situation, having followed your passions, worked hard, and still got sharted on by Life, I welcome you to read this blog. For laughter is the best medicine and we will attempt to soften the despair of failure with some good-natured humor.

Why the picture at the top? Because for us, the post-grad world is like Vietnam. You're like a Green Beret stuck in a backwater camp, hoping that you can keep the indigs (i.e. your sanity) together while the Vietcong attack the wire every night. You hope and pray that the VC (i.e. the economy) will hold off long enough for the 5th Air Cav (i.e. some employer) to break through the bad weather (i.e. all the other peons applying for jobs) and bail your ass out. Otherwise, Charlie is going to break through the southern redoubt and barbeque the hootches with napalm. But things don't look good, so you never rule out the possibility of calling in "Broken Arrow" over the radio. Yes, that it might be: your hope of a career can end just like an A-4 Skyraider dumping high explosive on top of your overrun position, taking you along with the enemy.

So here we go, boldly venturing into the dark humor which sustains us in this time of trial. Let's just hope Dr. Pangloss wasn't right.

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