Thursday, August 28, 2008


Martin, I congratulate you on what sounds like a successful interview and on finding a good company to work for. And as for your qualms about reconciling your past plans with your current situation, I would not worry too much. Ideals and dreams are a beautiful thing and we should all strive to achieve them to their nth degree. But it is a fact of our flawed human existence that it cannot be so.

Just because we cannot immediately dedicate our life to the cause in which we believed wholeheartedly does not make us immoral or lesser human beings. Indeed, if we manage to keep alive that belief through the harsh reality of our world, then that is all the more credit to our faith and belief in the idea that we are called to something greater. And transcending that immediate difficulty to achieve noble things testifies that we are more than those we must tread with in daily drudgery, in secure but unfulfilling work.

Do not worry about losing that desire to go abroad, to see and do great things, to help where it is needed. If that dream cannot survive in the face of security, prosperity, and comfort, then it is a dream not worth having. And if that dream fades despite your desire to keep it alive, then it is not meant to be. We cannot control our situation or station in life, but we can control our choices. Choose to seek that path in your daily life; awake and say, "Today will put me one step closer to what I know is right." If in the end you follow that dream, then wonderful. If not, then don't lose sleep over it. Choice is the only thing we can really control and Fate must rule the rest.

Again, I congratulate you, Martin. Go with boldness along this path, for that is all one can do if unsure. Choose your dreams.

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