Thursday, September 25, 2008

So I got a job

Well, the days of slumming it in my parent's attic will soon be no more. I have procured employment, albeit far different from Martin's line of legitimate white collar work. In a few weeks, I'll load up the truck and blaze a path west to Colorado, where I'll work as a snowmobile guide.

This will be more than job. This is more on the scale of an adventure. I won't know a soul, I'm doing something I've never tried before, and my wages will necessitate my continued pauper-like lifestyle. The types of people will be quite different from me and my friends. There will be lots of money, lots of alcohol, probably lots of drugs, and lots of unbridled excess amongst my clients and compatriots. People living so high on the hog that they don't even know that the other half exists. That's what I'm stepping into.

But I'm happy for that. Sometimes I learn the most about myself, and act the most like myself, when surrounded by my polar opposites. So I'm not worried. Indeed, I think that this job will give me the opportunity to pursue that Western dream so many Americans have, whether it turns out to be fruitful or not. And who knows, I might like it so much I won't come back.

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